Request for Tuition Incentive ForM HERE
Immaculate Conception Parish in West Bend is committed to helping our families with the costs of a Catholic School Education. Children of elementary school age are able to attend any Catholic School accredited by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, receiving a discounted rate on tuition and registration fees.
Who is Eligible?
How Does the Incentive Work?
Our parish families inform the Catholic School in which they are enrolling that they are registered members of Immaculate Conception Parish, and their school bills the parish for a portion (the amount is set annually by the parish) of the tuition and registration fees. The family pays the remaining portion.
How Long is the Incentive Good For?
The parish is committed to providing this Incentive for as many years as your children are enrolled in a Catholic elementary school.
Contact the Saint Mary's Immaculate Conception Parish Office (262-338-5600) to learn more about this program, including the percentage discount rate being offered for the coming academic year. Or, CLICK HERE to read the “fine print.”