Through a combination of education and social services, Casa Guadalupe Education Center works to empower low-income, native-born and Spanish-speaking Latino families to live independent, successful lives, to build strong families and establish meaningful connections within their community. Equipped with a bilingual and bi-cultural volunteer staff, Casa Guadalupe Educatation Center remains a dedicated community outreach facility and a culturally appropriate site for both Hispanics and non-Hispanics to join together to celebrate and share in each other's cultural heritages and perspectives.
This is a Washington County collaborative effort among approximately 15 parishes. We host homeless families for one week three to four times a year. Volunteers are needed to set up at the beginning of the week, clean up at the end of the week, prepare breakfasts and dinners, and sleep over night.
Full Shelf Food Pantry, 231 Municipal Dr, PO Box 1157, West Bend, WI 53095. Serving those who live in Washington County. For monetary or food donations, or to volunteer, please call 262-335-0685, or email to [email protected]
Ongoing events throughout the year to help educate and build an awareness. In October a prayer service is held at the monument of the unborn child on Immaculate Conception parish ground. Also a 'Baby Bottle Project' fundraiser is held to help support local Medical Centers such as 'Seed of Hope'.
There are currently three Saint Vincent de Paul store locations in Washington County. The stores are located in Hartford, Slinger and West Bend. The money that they make from sales of goods to the general public helps to fund their efforts to assist the county’s less fortunate in their greatest times of need. If tragedy strikes a family, such as a fire or another incident that takes the family’s possessions away, Saint Vincent de Paul is there to help replenish items the family had lost and needs. In times of financial hardship, Saint Vincent de Paul helps those in need with rent assistance, help with utilities, and assurance that there is enough food for the family. Saint Vincent de Paul partners with other groups in Washington County, such as Family Promise and residence shelters. The main thing that sets Saint Vincent de Paul apart in the world of assistance groups is that they go out to identify and engage the people who need their help the most. This mission, to “Go Out and Serve”, helps the families by identifying troubles early, to stabilize their situation, and ensure that the family has a healthy focus of their needs and can regain their self-sufficiency.
Today, Saint Vincent de Paul of Washington County has an online store at and you can learn more about the stores and the great good that the Saint Vincent de Paul Society does for all of us in Washington County. To show the impact that this quiet group has in our community, here are a couple numbers. There are 60 Vincentians serving 2,953 people in Washington County each year. That’s 1,106 home visits or eight people served by the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Washington County each day. In addition to home visits, they are responsible for prison visits. Where ever there is a need, Saint Vincent de Paul is there.
Although it is part of Human Concerns, the committee meets separately. Please see our Twinning page by CLICKING HERE
Such as Angel Tree gifts and Samaritan gifts for the elderly only require time and talents. The tags are taken by the parishioners, presents bought, wrapped and returned. Volunteers are always welcome!
Is a religious development program of the Quad-Parishes (Immaculate Conception, Holy Trinity, Saint Frances Cabrini and Holy Angels) of West Bend/Newburg, Wisconsin, designed to meet the spiritual and sacramental needs of children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities. Journey is a program that embraces a unique mission: to teach and share the richness and fullness of the Catholic faith through meaningful and appropriate experiences of faith formation, sacramental preparation, and worship for children and adults with developmental disabilities. The group meets in a home-like setting that provides a natural and calming sensorial environment for those with special needs. To make arrangements to observe a group session, or for additional information on the Journey program, please contact Christina Spindler at Saint Frances Cabrini 262-338-2366 ext 124..
Each Lent we join more than 12,000 Catholic communities across the United States—in a transformative Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Rice Bowls are distributed by the ushers during Mass at the start of lent. During the 40 days of Lent, we reflect on global hunger and take action to help our sisters. Visit to learn more.
For the hearing impaired is offered on the second Sunday of every month at the 9:30am Mass.
The Milwaukee Rescue Mission is a faith-based rescue for the poorest of the poor. The Mission is in the heart of the poorest zip code in the city where the need is very great! The Rescue Mission provides shelter for the homeless, a home called Joy House that is for women and children, many who would otherwise be on the streets and, a school, Cross Trainers Academy. If you wish to donate from Milwaukee Rescue Mission's online catalog, go to the link
The featured gifts in this catalog are on ongoing need. Thank you for your consideration and generosity! To learn more about the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, visit their website HERE.
Food ministries at Saint Bens (930 W. State St; Milwaukee) and House of Peace (1702 W. Walnut St; Milwaukee) are both open.
If you are interesting in volunteering, please CLICK HERE.