Frank Sheed, the great 20th century Catholic apologist, once explained that a “mystery” is not something that we can’t know anything about, but rather something that we can’t know everything about! We’ll never fully grasp the mysteries of the Christian faith in his life, which is why we need the gift of faith. But with the gift of faith, our mind is enlightened by grace and we can know something, in fact, a lot, about the mysteries of Christianity.
Learning more about the Catholic faith provides material for our mediation and prayer, which fuels our spiritual life. It also helps us defend our beliefs in a world that often questions them, and sometimes is hostile toward them.
Every Lent, we encourage parishioners to join a small group to delve more deeply into the richness of the Catholic faith. The resources we provide typically have an intellectual focus. This year, we will take part in an initiative that has a spiritual focus. It is called Emmaus 90 and it is being promoted throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
If you choose to participate, Emmaus 90 will guide you on a spiritual journey for 90 days from January 20 to Easter. Each day, you will be asked to pray with a provided scriptural passage, journal about it, and complete other spiritual practices as well. Every week, you will watch a video from an engaging speaker who will discuss the passages upon which you have reflected the prior week. In addition, you will meet with a friend or a small group to share the graces of your prayer and discuss the scriptural passages. We encourage you to take the initiative to ask a friend or several friends to journey with you. However, if you are struggling to find a friend/group, please let Lizzy know at the St. Frances Cabrini office and we will help you form a group with a selected leader.
To register, please sign up using the link below by January 13. The link will also be available in the parish ebulletins. Parishioners from either parish are asked to collect their Emmaus 90 Guidebooks at the St. Frances Cabrini Parish Office. We are asking $10 per copy to help offset costs of the guidebooks.
Do you truly know the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you love Him above all else? Do you know how to relate to Him and live in His presence each day? Emmaus 90 will help you answer all these questions affirmatively. It will help you cultivate a relationship with the Lord that is real, intimate, and life-changing! I hope you give it a try!