Dear Friends at Saint Mary’s Immaculate Conception Parish and Saint Frances Cabrini Parish: Praised be Jesus Christ! I wanted to use this opportunity to make everyone aware of a program that the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is helping to test-pilot with a few other dioceses around the country, which impacts each of us in our local parishes. The program is the Disciple Maker Index Survey (hereafter DMI), and it is intended to create a demographic snapshot of each of our parishes. The intent is to give pastors and parish leaders some feedback on how well parishes are doing on several key areas of evangelical outreach and formation; the same information will also be useful to the Archdiocese for their process of assigning pastors to parishes, helping parishes better collaborate, etc.
Dear Friends at Saint Frances Cabrini and Saint Mary’s Immaculate Conception Parish: Praised be Jesus Christ! In a recent bulletin column, Father Andrew offered a brief review and endorsement of a new movie, “A Hidden Life.” I see so few films these days, but following Father Andrew’s lead, I will offer in my column for this week some brief comments on the new movie “The Two Popes,” especially because some of you have asked me about it already. Customarily, I tend to avoid watching Hollywood movies that deal so directly with the Catholic Church because so often they are disappointingly stereo-typical or inaccurate. In this instance, I was genuinely curious how lead actor Anthony Hopkins (who I tend to appreciate as an actor) would handle the role of playing Pope Benedict XVI. So therefore I sat through all of it.