Please contact the parish office if you would like to have Communion brought to you in your home/nursing home/or assisted living facility.
Pastoral Care Ministers are called to be a sign and a bridge. They are sent by the parish community as living witnesses that the community of faith and worship has not forgotten the absent sick, the invisible elderly and the unseen sufferers. Praying with them as a representative of Christ living in the Church, the people of God, the pastoral care minister is a sign that God is and wants to be with them. The minister draws them back into conscious communion with the whole Body of Christ and helps them, and their caregivers, to realize they are not alone.
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team was organized on February 4, 1983, and placed under the guidance of Fr. Casper Rehrl, the founder of our congregation, Immaculate Conception Parish, September 12, 1857. The goal of the ministry is to build relationships in communion with God and with one another by ministering to the sick, the elderly, the homebound and others. Many of our pastoral care ministers minister on Sunday morning, being dismissed at the 7:30am liturgy to bring Eucharist to the Homebound, the residents of the Samaritan Health Center, the residents of Cedar Lake Health Center and The Waterford of West Bend. During the course of the week there are visitations made to the homebound and nursing facilities. The commitment of time is 2 to 3 hours once a month. Training for the ministry is provided.
In the ministry of pastoral care we never want to loose sight of our purpose: Pastoral Care ministers are sent in the name of Christ and His Church to serve as bridge builders across the isolation that separates the sick and suffering from the parish community of faith and worship. The deepest task is to carry the Good News of the Gospel to those who stand in need of its healing power.
Volunteers are needed.
Thank You!!
For those parishioners who bring home communion to Catholic family and friends with you own pyx:
Please pick up your Communion Distribution cards from the Kiosk in the Parish Center Lobby. Contact Chris Crom with any questions.
Chris can be reached at 262-338-5600 or [email protected]
CLICK HERE for guidelines on bringing communion to the homebound and the proper handling of a pyx.
CLICK HERE to listen to Father Nathan's talk to our Pastoral Care ministers from October 29, 2022.